If you are new to my blog or circle I want to welcome you! I am a mix of spiritual and science. I truly believe that if we take what we need from the lessons around us we can be successful in finding peace in our lives. Welcome to my circle sister! I hope you find yourself safe to be vulnerable, heard and authentic here. If you are looking for deeper connections please check out my events, or reach out to me. Now Let’s dive in to what this full moon has in store for us!
It is July 2023 and I am excited because, summer is my favorite season! I love the longer days and warmth of the sun. I adore a BBQ, pool days and the flowers and farmer markets. My spirits seem lifted and more at peace in this season. Living in Maryland also brings weeks of rain which can put a damper on my summer vibes, but that won’t stop me from enjoying this season. This July full moon will be on July 3rd, 2023. This full moon brings time to move towards accomplishing your goals and focus.
The July Full Moon is known by many names. The most common names are:
- Buck Moon
- Rose Moon
- Thunderstorm Moon
- Hay Moon
The spiritual meaning for the Buck Moon name comes from the male deer. In late July the male deer begins to form its magnificent antlers. This symbolizes fertility and strength. This is the season of the male dears antlers growing and thriving based on the environment around them. If the earth is dry and food sources are low the deers antlers will not grow as big or strong.
Just like the deers antlers are growing and thriving it is our time to do the same. In order to find your strength and abundance this season you must look to your environment. This is the time to stop procrastinating and distracting yourself from your strengths.
This is your sign from nature to get things in motion. It is the season of passion, strength and abundance. It is time for you to step in to your power.
Speaking of nature, my other favorite name for this July full moon is the Thunder Moon. Thunderstorms are more active in this season and talk about power! It is natures way of reminding us just how strong she really is. I look at the lighting light up the dark sky and demand attention with her thunder. She soaks the Earth in her rain, that both washes away the pollution and nurtures the plants and soil. You are not so different from mother natures aggressive storm. Just as we said before with the Buck Moon in mind you need to clear out what is in the way in order to flourish. Stand tall and strong, do not hold back and nurture your life journey.

Journaling to the Buck Moon
What small things have I been giving to much attention to and how can I let it go?
How can I be more intentional with my time?
What are some creative things I love to do and how can I make time for them?

Embracing the Buck Moon
I mentioned above how a deers antlers strength depends on its environment. Use this to reflect on your own. What is holding you back both internally and externally from growing in to the beautiful soul you are? It is time to let go of the distractions and little goals so you can get clear on the big ones. Self-reflection is going to be really important for you right now.
Creativity is where a lot of our feminine energy drives from. Spend time doing something creative to fuel your mind and get clear on what your real passion is. Creativity can look different for anyone and it is not about being perfect! Get out of your head and create from your soul. Draw, paint, bead, write, sing or whatever fills you up creatively.
If you love crystals like meI suggest meditating while holding Black Onyx in your non dominate hand. This beautiful black gem is the stone of goal making, mastering your skill, and balance. This is my choice of crystal for the Buck Moon.
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.