The Barbie Movie
I laughed, I cried, I got cheese on my butt
Last weekend, I had the joy of taking my adult daughter, my bonus daughter (both mothers themselves), and my preteen to see the new Barbie movie. Little did I know that this cinematic adventure would leave us all with profound thoughts and emotions – and a hilarious mishap that I just have to share with you!

Before we start I will say this. Yes, we did dress up for the movie but the oldest two said “no photos allowed. So here is my original bathing suit inspired outfit and my beautiful cowgirl barbie. and now that we got the Barbie movie outfits out of the way here is my thoughts…. Please take note there are spoilers in this blog.

The Movie Mishap
Before I delve into what my mom/women empowerment/life coach brain gathered from the movie, let’s have a good laugh at my movie mishap. Picture this: I’m decked out in my pristine white high-rise cotton pants paired with a black pearl bodysuit as we discussed earlier. I’ve got a haul of snacks for the girls, and when the cashier rattled off the colossal and wallet-shocking order total, my brain simply shouted, “Sure, go ahead!” Did I actually pay attention? Absolutely not.
So there we are, snug in our seats, ready for the movie. But wait, what’s this? I’ve forgotten my daughter’s pretzel. Naturally, I do what any mom on a snack-fetching mission would do – I unload everything, dash back to the concession stand, and confess to the poor guy that my listening skills were on vacation. He gets the pretzel sorted, and I sprint back to our seats, only to find that the previews are now in full swing. I hand over the precious pretzel to my daughter and plop down with the swiftness of a ninja, careful not to obstruct anyone’s view.
And then, the universe decides to have its chuckle at my expense. Guess whose behind I should have been wary of? Mine. Yes, that’s right – my derriere lands smack dab on a tray of cheese-drenched nachos! Talk about an unexpected, and rather saucy, surprise. Now, picture me, theatrically sprawled on the cinema floor, frantically using napkins to wage war against the invasive cheese invasion on my pants, my seat, and pretty much everywhere else. Did I save my pants? Nah. Did I save face? Probably not. Did I become the comic relief for my kids and probably half the theater? Absolutely.
You see, mishaps like this are a specialty of mine. They’re like my superpower, only much less heroic and far more cheese-soaked. So there I sat, defiantly planted on my cheesy throne, watching the movie – a mix of sadness for my now-sullied pants and the collective hilarity/embarrassment of my children. Because let’s be real, stuff like this is par for the course in my life.
But hey, amidst all the cheese and chaos, the movie’s message still shone through. And maybe, just maybe, my cheesy mishap was my way of paying homage to the film’s lesson: life isn’t perfect, and sometimes, it’s the unexpected, imperfect moments that bring the most joy – even if it involves a pair of now “nacho-rrific” pants.
The generational take aways
As the movie unfolded, we journeyed through a rollercoaster of emotions – laughter, tears, and introspection. Each of us emerged from the theater with unique takeaways.
First off my oldest daughter, she was struck by the movie’s exploration of societal pressures on women and the roles they’re boxed into. It resonated as she balances her roles as a mother and a professional. Second, My bonus daughter found herself pondering the challenges of maintaining connection with her daughter through the teenage years. The movie underscored the importance of fostering strong bonds despite the inevitable hurdles. Third, was my preteen, the message was refreshingly simple: “life isn’t perfect, and that’s okay.” This powerful reminder of embracing imperfections left a lasting impact.

Lesson 1: Discovering Authenticity and Empowerment in the Barbie Movie
In a world that constantly molds us through roles and expectations, it’s easy to lose sight of the person we truly are beneath the layers of societal constructs. One of the most profound themes that resonated deeply with me in the Barbie movie was the significance of connecting with our authentic selves. It’s a theme that holds universal truth and relevance in a society that often defines us by our responsibilities and the roles we play.
Barbie’s journey reflects the conflict that arises when her mind expands beyond the boundaries of the familiar. Just like how she existed within the confines of Barbie Land, many of us unknowingly live in our own bubbles, insulated from the broader world and its realities. In these bubbles, we can become oblivious to the impacts of our decisions and actions on others. Our perspective becomes limited to what the majority deems right, and we become convinced that our way is the only way.
However, the moment we step outside these narrow boundaries, we begin to witness the wider world and its complexities. It’s akin to removing blinders that kept us confined to our own perceptions. The pressures and challenges faced by others become more evident, and we start to question the validity of our lives in this broader context.
This journey of self-discovery and breaking free from self-imposed limitations requires humility. It’s uncomfortable and even scary to confront the possibility that our beliefs and way of life might not be as righteous or optimal as we once thought. Yet, this discomfort is an essential step towards uncovering our true identity and values.
As someone who facilitates empowerment retreats, particularly focused on women and mothers, this theme holds immense importance in my work. Growth is stifled when we remain within our comfort zones and refrain from exploring and questioning. Much like Barbie’s transformation, from “stereotypical”Barbie to endless possibility Barbara an imperfect woman. These moments of self-reflection and humility pave the way for profound personal growth.
The Barbie movie beautifully portrays the journey of shedding self-imposed restrictions and discovering authenticity. It underscores that we cannot empower ourselves or others if we are not willing to step outside our comfort zones. The movie serves as a reminder that empowerment isn’t just about being confident; it’s about knowing who we are, understanding our values, and striving to make a positive impact beyond our immediate circles. Life is not about your comfort alone, it is about being uncomfortable and caring about the greater good while being your authentic self.
In a world that frequently obscures our true selves, the Barbie movie’s message echoes loudly: embracing vulnerability and venturing into the unknown is the path to discovering our authentic selves and effecting real change.

Lesson 2: Empowering Through Sacrifice: A Mother's Journey of Breaking Cycles told by Barbie
One line from the Barbie movie struck a chord deep within me: “Us mothers stand still so our daughters can see how far they have come.” This powerful sentiment encapsulates the profound sacrifices that mothers often make to pave the way for their children’s success. It’s a reflection of the dedication to breaking cycles and nurturing opportunities for the next generation to flourish, even in the face of personal challenges.
As a mother myself, This had me crying, particularly as the mom of a teen mom. This statement resonates on a personal level. The journey of a mother isn’t solely about guiding and nurturing; it’s about standing as a pillar of strength, often in silence, so that our children can build upon the foundation we’ve laid. This echoes the countless hours of hard work, the sleepless nights, and the sacrifices made to ensure our children have access to more opportunities than we did.
Navigating the complex transition from a parent-child dynamic to one between adult equals is an intricate dance. It requires immense patience, understanding, and support. The movie’s message brings to light the intricacies of this transition and the strength it takes to “stand still” and provide a vantage point for our daughters to appreciate their progress. It’s a delicate balance of guiding without imposing, of offering wisdom while respecting their autonomy. Letting them choose the next path and hope we provided the tools to get there.
My role as a mother of a teen mom adds another layer to this journey. As I reflect on the sacrifices I’ve made and continue to make, I’m reminded that empowering the next generation isn’t just about achieving personal success—it’s about providing a platform for our children to reach greater heights. It’s a reminder that our struggles and triumphs aren’t just for our own benefit, but for the growth and advancement of those who come after us.
The Barbie movie’s message serves as a poignant reminder that the role of a mother is a continuous cycle of love, sacrifice, and empowerment. As we stand still, our daughters are able to witness the progress they’ve achieved. This realization fuels my commitment to breaking the chains of limitation and opening doors to new possibilities. It’s about acknowledging the sacrifices of the past while building a brighter future for the generations to come.
In a world where progress is often marked by milestones, this message from the movie invites us to recognize the silent milestones—the moments of sacrifice and selflessness—that shape the trajectory of our children’s lives. Just as Barbie’s journey of self-discovery and growth extends beyond personal transformation, beyond her creators control. So does a mother’s journey encompass a legacy of empowerment and advancement.

Lesson 3: Challenging Conformity: In a Land of Barbie & Kens by an Allen
In the world of the Barbie movie, one character stood out as an outcast: Allen. Positioned as Ken’s friend rather than a stereotypical Ken, Allen didn’t quite fit into the mold of Barbie Land. His unique presence carried a profound message that resonates deeply with both men and women who defy society’s conventional norms.
As the movie unfolded, we witnessed Ken’s attempt to create a rebellion that transformed Barbie Land into a toxic, masculine-driven realm. This shift introduced brewskis and objectified women who played into demeaning stereotypes. Amidst this unsettling transformation, Allen’s character emerged as a beacon of authenticity and resistance.
The movie didn’t intend to paint men as unintelligent or insignificant; instead, it spotlighted the detrimental effects of toxic masculinity. Allen’s journey echoed the struggles of countless individuals who challenge societal norms and refuse to be confined by predefined roles. He personified the women and men worldwide who often find themselves on the fringes of society due to their refusal to conform.
Allen’s presence in the story was more than a casual addition; it was a deliberate choice to shine a light on the confines of toxic masculinity and the rigidity it imposes on men. His character defied the boundaries of patriarchal expectations, offering a refreshing departure from the norm. Rather than succumbing to pressure, Allen embraced his individuality and courageously charted his own path in life.
In a world where societal norms often dictate who we should be and how we should act, Allen’s character serves as a symbol of resilience. He represents those who question, challenge, and shatter the limitations placed upon them. His journey reflects the universal struggle for self-discovery and authenticity—striving to be true to oneself despite the pressure to conform.
The Barbie movie encourages us to celebrate the uniqueness that sets us apart from the crowd. Allen’s story reminds us that being an outcast from societal norms doesn’t equate to being lesser; it’s an opportunity to embrace our individuality and carve a path that aligns with our values and identity. Just as Allen stood firm against the tide of toxic masculinity, we too can stand against the currents that seek to restrict our potential and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
Ultimately, Allen’s character resonates far beyond the screen, echoing the experiences of those who have felt like misfits in a world that expects conformity. His story is a reminder that our differences are strengths and that authenticity can be a powerful force for positive change, challenging toxic norms and creating space for a more inclusive and accepting society.

Lesson 4: Unveiling Empowerment: Barbie's Eye-Opening Journey
As Barbie’s adventure unfolds in the movie, she steps out of Barbie Land and into the unfamiliar world, bringing to light some harsh realities. This part of the story sheds light on a powerful lesson about empowerment.
When Barbie enters this new world, she encounters unsettling situations. Men look at her with desire, while women’s stares are filled with judgment. She feels watched but not safe, shining a light on what many women go through daily. The movie doesn’t hide the tough truths, showing how women often face unwanted advances and even assault.
A strong moment occurs when Barbie stands up for herself against a man who crosses a line. But the situation takes a familiar turn when she ends up getting in trouble for defending herself. This reflects the unfair outcomes that often follow when women stand up against harassment or violence.
Later in the movie, Barbie comes back to find Barbie Land turned into Ken Land. Despite her victory, she surprisingly shows kindness to Ken in his defeat. This part captures the mixed feelings women often experience in response to challenging situations. The nurturing side of a women trying to comfort the ones who tried to hurt her. Barbie’s question, “What if he’s not interested anymore?” is a significant scene, Barbie’s friend, provides a reality check. She questions why Barbie would even want someone who’s taken everything from her and changed her home for the worse. This dialogue highlights the unfortunate reality that women often question their worth even when they’re clearly being mistreated.
The movie’s powerful moment—the one that’s been shared on social media—is Barbie’s human companion giving a stirring speech. It captures the essence of what many women go through daily. The speech isn’t exaggerated; it reflects the truth of how women are often treated and the pressures both put on them by others and self.
The Barbie movie brings attention to the challenges women face and the strength that comes from speaking up together for change.
In a world where women’s experiences are sometimes overlooked, the Barbie movie courageously confronts these issues head-on. It calls for understanding, empathy, and action to support women in their pursuit of empowerment and justice.

Lesson 5: Barbie Represents Balance
In the wake of the Barbie movie’s release, some men were quick to label it as an insult to their gender. Yet, beneath the surface, if they were to set aside their bruised egos and take a closer look, they might uncover a significant lesson that speaks to the concept of balance. The movie subtly highlights that neither “Barbie Land” nor “Ken Land” represents an ideal world; both have their flaws and imbalances.
In the world of Barbie, women hold power and beauty, appearing strong and confident. However, this dominance seems to overshadow the Kens of the world, leaving them feeling overlooked and undervalued. These Kens aspire to the affection of Barbie, yet they often end up playing the role of mere trophy husbands. Their desires for recognition and significance remain unfulfilled.
In contrast, the real world often depicts a situation where men demand respect while sidelining women and their ideas. It’s a world where women feel like trophies rather than equal partners. In both lands, it becomes evident that happiness remains elusive for both genders. Even when Ken attempts to establish a patriarchy, he doesn’t find genuine contentment in his actions.
The movie subtly suggests that the solution isn’t about striving for hierarchical dominance. Instead, it’s a call to transcend these gender-based struggles and recognize our shared humanity. The essence lies in coexistence built on equal opportunities, mutual respect, and the freedom to pursue one’s aspirations. It encourages us to step beyond rigid roles and embrace a more harmonious reality where both men and women can thrive.
The notion of balance, not dominance, is at the heart of this message. It’s a call to create a world where everyone has the chance to succeed, contribute, and find fulfillment, regardless of their gender. By letting go of the urge to assert superiority and instead focusing on cooperation, we can build a society that benefits everyone.
The movie’s portrayal of both lands serves as a reminder that the pursuit of balance and mutual respect is far more rewarding than an endless struggle for dominance. It’s an invitation to evolve beyond predefined roles and embrace our common humanity. By understanding and addressing the inequalities and misconceptions in both realms, we can work towards a world where everyone’s strengths are recognized, and everyone’s voices are heard.
Amidst all these lessons, one other powerful message resonated deeply. In a world that pressures us to conform to a single ideal, remember – don’t. Stereotypical Barbie was crafted as the epitome of perfection – beautiful, popular, stylish, and eternally positive. Her life looked like an Instagram feed come to life, a snapshot of an idyllic existence.
Yet, beneath the layers of perfection lay a woman who actively chose to embrace hardships, struggles, and tears. Why? Because that was the path to authenticity and genuine joy. It was in these challenges that she discovered her true self.
So, as we navigate a world that defines us by titles and standards, let’s remember Barbie’s journey. Let’s liberate ourselves from the pressure to fit into a predefined mold. Let’s embrace the lessons life offers, grow from them, and live authentically.
As we left the theater, our hearts were filled not only with the lessons from our own reflections but also with the profound realization that the movie’s messages run even deeper than we initially thought. The new Barbie movie doesn’t just tell a story; it becomes a mirror, reflecting the diverse array of human experiences and the courage it takes to be beautifully imperfect in a world that demands conformity.