Discover rituals, crystal energies, and the balance of light and darkness in our detailed guide. Perfect for those seeking deeper understanding and alignment with the “Meaning of the Moon” and “Autumn Equinox.”

Discover rituals, crystal energies, and the balance of light and darkness in our detailed guide. Perfect for those seeking deeper understanding and alignment with the “Meaning of the Moon” and “Autumn Equinox.”
As the cold of winter fades, the March Full Moon, also known as the Worm Moon, ushers in a season of rebirth and awakening. This year, the March full moon …
The February Full Moon, often hailed as the Snow Moon, holds a unique place in the celestial calendar. It’s a time when snow blankets much of the Earth, casting a …
Discover the transformative power of the January 2024 Full Wolf Moon with our comprehensive guide. Explore detailed rituals, insightful journal prompts, and learn how to embrace the lunar energy for personal growth and reflection. Join us at Hennessy’s House for seasonal retreats and our Full Moon Women’s Circle. Embrace intuition, and untamed wisdom, and embark on a journey of self-discovery with the Wolf Moon
Bask in the glow of the Cold Moon in Cancer, we are prompted to embrace our vulnerability, tap into our intuition, and engage in the sacred practice of self-reflection.
We just celebrated the Autumn Equinox, a time when the balance between day and night briefly hangs in perfect equilibrium before tilting in favor of longer nights. As the sun’s …
Under the captivating August Sturgeon Moon in the sign of Aquarius, we are urged to fearlessly embrace change and connect with our humanitarian spirit. This rare cosmic alignment ignites our desire for independence and a deeper sense of purpose, inspiring us to challenge norms and extend a helping hand to others.
The May full moon will forever hold a special place in my heart. See this is where I planted and grew the first seed. A little over a year ago …
The April Full Moon of 2023 will fall on April 6th in the sign of Libra. When I started planning out the April retreat I am hosting at the end …
The March Full Moon of 2023 is March 7th. This will be the last full moon following the Winter Solstice. I am personally excited that this months full moon falls …