
Welcoming the 2024 Full Sturgeon Moon: A Time of Strength and Harvest

As we move deeper into the warmth of August, the Full Sturgeon Moon emerges on the 19th at 2:26 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, symbolizing a period of reaping the rewards of our efforts. Named after the massive and ancient sturgeon fish that were historically abundant during this month in North America, this moon phase encourages us to embody these remarkable creatures’ resilience and adaptability.

On a personal note, this moon’s energy is perfect timing and a reminder for me as I navigate some personal challenges with my health. I am dealing with a diagnosis of a progressive autoimmune disease and it started to fill my head with fear and negativity. I have been meditating a lot and reminding myself that I am resilient and will overcome the battles I face as I always have. The sturgeon moon is a reminder to me to focus on that resilience. I hope you find the meaning of this full moon to be impactful to you as well. So let’s get in to it. 

The Sturgeon Moon is known by various names, each reflecting different cultural aspects and natural phenomena:


  • Peace Moon: Reflecting the tranquility and satisfaction of a fruitful harvest.
  • Hot Moon: Describing the intense heat of midsummer.
  • Hungry Ghost Moon: Coinciding with the Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival, a time when it is believed that spirits visit the living.
  • Lightning Moon: Evoking the powerful and unpredictable storms of August.
Embrace the full august Sturgeon Moon

The Sturgeon: A Symbol of Resilience Through Time

The August Full Moon takes its name from the sturgeon, a remarkable fish that has traveled the waters for over 200 million years. This ancient species, often considered a living fossil, has witnessed the ebb and flow of countless millennia, surviving through changes that have reshaped the continents and the world’s waterways. The resilience of the sturgeon is not just a testament to its physical strength but also to its ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment—a trait mirrored by the adaptive and enduring nature of water, the element associated with emotional depth and intuition.

However, the survival of the sturgeon has been challenged in modern times. Overfishing for their prized meat and caviar has drastically reduced their populations, making them a symbol of both endurance and vulnerability. Their dwindling numbers remind us of the delicate balance required to sustain life over the long term and to protect and preserve our heritage.

This Full Moon is a powerful symbol of surviving through the changes that life brings our way. Just as the sturgeon has navigated the waters of change through the ages, we are called to navigate the currents of our lives with determination and grace.

Astrological Insights: The Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

This year, the Full Sturgeon Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, an innovative and forward-thinking. Aquarius, an air sign often mistaken for a water sign due to its symbol, the Water Bearer, brings energies of enlightenment, humanitarianism, and originality, the rebel. The connection between the Sturgeon Moon and Aquarius sign highlights a deep connection to the flow of progressive ideas. Aquarius is known for detachment, intellectual independence, and unique solutions to communal challenges. During this moon, these qualities enhance our ability to see beyond our circumstances, urging us to find ways to contribute to the larger community and embrace the flow of new ideas and solutions.

Spiritual and Magical Aspects of the Sturgeon Moon

The spiritual significance of the Sturgeon Moon phase includes:

  • Innovation in Harvesting: Encouraging us to think outside the box as we gather the fruits of our labor. Aquarius’s influence pushes us to find new ways to reap our rewards, whether through technology, new strategies, or collaborative efforts.
  • Community and Humanitarian Focus: This moon is an excellent time for community service or starting initiatives that benefit larger groups. It’s a call to connect with humanity and contribute to societal progress.
  • Embracing Change and New Ideas: The energy of the Sturgeon Moon combined with Aquarius’s love for change prompts us to be more flexible and open to adjusting our paths or strategies. It’s a time to experiment with new methods in our personal growth and contributions to the world.
  • Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: This phase is potent for receiving insights and higher knowledge, both spiritually and intellectually. It supports deep thinking, meditation, and revelation, helping us to connect with higher truths and new perspectives.

Ghost Festival 

The Hungry Ghost Festival, a significant event during the Ghost Month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, is a vibrant and deeply spiritual time when the veil between worlds is believed to be the thinnest. I had the honor of witnessing this festival while living in Hong Kong. I was living on a tiny Island called Peng Chau. It was a more traditional slower-paced way of life than on the bigger Islands. I loved learning about the traditions and culture. This festival was one of my favorite experiences. Here are a few highlights:

  1. Paper Offerings: One of the most unique aspects of the festival is the tradition of burning paper replicas of everyday items. From suits and televisions to cars and money, these paper offerings are burned to ensure that ancestors lack nothing in the afterlife. The attention to detail in these items is incredible, showcasing the deep respect and care for the departed.

  2. Giant Watcher Statue: In the village where I stayed, a towering 50-foot statue was constructed each year, It was the watcher of the ghosts, its job was to keep them behaving and take them back when it was time. This statue was a symbolic guardian to maintain order among the spirits. The burning of this statue at the festival’s conclusion was a powerful and moving ritual, marking the spirits’ return to the afterlife.

  3. Circle of Offerings: At the heart of the village, a large circle filled with candles and offerings was set up. This included not just the paper items, but also treats like candy and cigarettes, intended for the visiting spirits. Once the spirits had their fill, villagers would rush into the circle in a festive free-for-all, reminiscent of trick-or-treating, to claim what remained.

  4. Dancing Dragons: Adding to the festival’s lively atmosphere were the dancing dragons. These large, elaborately decorated costumes housed multiple people inside who moved them around, creating the illusion of the creatures dancing through the streets. This tradition brought joy and vibrancy to the festival, weaving together community and tradition in a dynamic display.

full moon ghost festival
full moon ghost festival

Journaling to the Sturgeon Moon

As the Sturgeon Moon lights the night, let it guide you through self-discovery and renewal. Journaling will help you harness the moon’s strong, persevering energy to manifest your desires and let go of what no longer serves you.

  1. Reflect on Resilience: Think about a challenge you faced this year. How did you overcome it, and what strengths did you discover in yourself as a result? How can you apply these strengths to future obstacles?

  2. Harvest of Growth: What are the most significant ‘harvests’ or achievements you’ve gathered so far this year? How do these accomplishments align with the goals you set earlier, and what new goals might you pursue as a result?

  3. Lessons from the Sturgeon: Considering the sturgeon’s ability to adapt and survive for millions of years, what can you learn from this creature’s resilience that might help you in your own life?

  4. Intentions Moving Forward: As you move towards the end of the year, what intentions do you want to set under the Sturgeon Moon? What practical steps can you take to ensure these intentions align with your ultimate life goals?

Embrace the full august Sturgeon Moon

Embracing the Sturgeon Moon

Every month we choose a crystal that can help you in this journey. This month I am choosing Citrine. Its warm, optimistic energy encourages the full realization of the abundance of the harvest, mirroring the harvest themes of the Sturgeon Moon. Citrine also helps in transforming dreams into tangible forms, perfect for setting new goals and celebrating current achievements.

To harness the energy of the Sturgeon Moon, consider incorporating the following practices into your lunar rituals:


  1. Gratitude Journaling: Spend time writing down what you are thankful for, focusing on the gains made since the last harvest.
  2. Ancestral Honors: Engage in activities that connect you with your heritage, such as creating an altar for ancestors or participating in rituals that honor familial traditions.
  3. Harvest Rituals: If applicable, physically harvest crops or symbolically gather other “harvests” in your life, acknowledging the fruition of your hard work.
  4. Water: Emerge yourself in a body of water. Visualize what is coming to you and what is flowing away as the energy of the water flows around you. 

Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are.  Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life. 

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