Between the never responsibilities life throws your way… YOU ARE TIRED.
But with the same token you roll your eyes when someone says “you have to take care of yourself” because focusing on you is simply a thing of the past (buh-bye teenage years when you used to spend an hour doing your hair and makeup).
With everything you have to do, you just don’t have the time or space to do YOU (jeez! if we’re being honest taking a shower sometimes can feel like a struggle, doesn’t it?).
But you and I both know that behind all the busyness and chaos, there is an incredible woman and human being who is craving a reconnection with herself …
… a secret desire to do something for YOU and you only.
So I want to ask you, are you…
- Needing a break from all your responsibilities and hectic life
- Feeling burnt out
- Seeking a deeper connection to yourself and other women
- Craving more tools to show yourself love
- Wanting to improve your relationships
- Struggling with loving the woman you are
- Beyond ready for a little YOU time
Then join me on an upcoming retreat!
You'll love The Hennessy's House retreats if you are.....
- Ready to spend a few days focusing on you and you only
- Ready to relax, recharge.
- Enjoy a women’s only weekend and make lifelong friends
- Ready to open your mind and become your authentic self
- Ready to to discover your passions and purpose
- Wanting to finally love yourself for being perfectly imperfect
- Wishing you could embrace the powerful woman you already are
SPRING: Return to Her: Feminine Energy & Inner Calm
May 2-5 on Lake Anna in Bumpass, VA
All inclusive retreat
Learn more HERE
Payment plans available.
Nicole is passionate about supporting women in every way she can. That is why all hired services, products, speakers, and catering will be women owned businesses.
After 20 years of doing absolutely nothing for myself and mainly taking care of my family and children… I decided to go on a retreat of my own. Which changed my life forever.
After that retreat I came back rejuvenated, calmer, happier, more confident, and a lot more patient with my kids!
It’s ironic how giving yourself permission to take a break and take care of YOU actually enhances your family life and makes you a much better mom.
This experience pushed me to create a space for other women to be able to feel the same transformation that I felt… And that is where The Hennessy’s House Retreats were born.
So trust me when I tell you, I know how scary it can be to do something for you.
But don’t fear, you’re in great hands. I’ve designed the Retreats to be an experience where you are fully taken care of. No cooking, definitely no hard work, and a weekend full of r-e-l-a-x-a-t-i-o-n.
No kiddos, work, or partner to care for and no messes to clean, just you and other women laughing, sharing, and growing together. We will have time to grow together as well as time for you to just be in the moment.
And you’ll even have the opportunity to get add on services for self care as well (hello massages, photoshoots, and spiritual sessions).
This is the break you have been asking for and now it’s your turn to courageously give yourself permission to take care of yourself… It’s your turn to show up and say YES to being a calmer more balanced woman.
How can I learn more about the retreat?
- Join the email list below and stay in the know!
- Send us an email with your questions
Who can attend?
- All women are welcome to join Spring and Fall Retreats, The Summer retreat is Coed. People who enjoy wellness, self growth, letting loose, and is desiring a judgment free space to connect with others. This is a embrace yourself space and no one should judge or compare.
What if I am flying in?
- I will send you the closest airports and do my best to help with transportation and ride share. However, you will be responsible for your travel expenses.
Can I bring a friend?
- Yes, bring a friend or come alone whatever feels best for you! Do you have a girlfriend in another state? Plan to meet there! Please note you will make lots of new friends at the retreat and I promise you will feel welcome if coming alone. At previous retreats most women come on their own and stay connected with other members after.

Does your company believe in empowering women? If yes, I invite you to become one of our 2023 Retreat Sponsors