
Change can feel scary no matter big or small. The issue here is simply, if you let fear of change control your actions you will self sabotage your life experiences. I know that sounds harsh but listen I have been there! I told myself where I was is where I would always be and felt sorry for myself.

Trapped by a horrible feeling of worthlessness, you might let the fear of the unknown, your fear of rejection, or your fear of failure stop you from even trying to achieve your dreams. This in itself makes you feel worse about yourself, creating a vicious cycle of fear and low self-esteem. Sometimes, you probably feel like you’ve tried everything to feel better and just don’t seem to be improving. Here is a list of 5 ways you can invest in yourself.

Number 1: Switch the Bored Behavior

I get it, another long day and you’re mentally drained, so you tune out and turn on a movie. I am all about watching a good show but we need balance. Finding the balance will help shift you from the passenger seat to the driver seat of your life.

I propose that you start with a small shift. Take part of the time you watch a show and replace it with a documentary on a topic you want to explore. Do this in baby steps and work up to a book on a topic that will lead you in the direction you want to go. You are still entertained but in a way that is going to automatically create curiosity and drive to reach your desires.

Number 2: Social Media Swap

I am not going to tell you to get rid of all your social media. I am, however asking you to make a swap. Take inventory of the people you follow and what content they create. Now I want you to ask yourself how those creators make you feel. If the content makes you upset or is hitting triggers it is time to take a break from them. Now try searching for those you follow or new accounts that fill you with inspiration, encouragement, hope and so on. These are your go to accounts. A few things to look for:

Number 3: Get Out a Pen & Paper?

I know this is not the first time you have heard this but JOURNAL. I know what you are going to say…. I have tried it. Fine maybe you have but tell me did you really try it, more than one time and with full effort? If you said no then can we please try again? Without getting too in depth, there is proven science behind the act of getting our thoughts out of our head and on to paper. I will let you read about that at another time. If Self-Love is the goal I have the perfect tool for you. My guided journal I Can Love Me is designed for deep thinking and self discovery. There are many other journals to choose from or you can just start with a pad of paper and pen. Write out what your dreams and desires are, Brain dump your day on paper, get out the fears and worries, manifest on paper. Whatever it is, just get started. Try and make this a habit.

Number 4: Question Your Thoughts

Our mindset is incredibly good at controlling our actions or lack of actions. Question your thoughts. An example of this would be “My friend never called me back, they are mad at me” Ask yourself do I know that is the reason because they communicated it to me, or am I making an assumption without facts? Now the thought shift “My friend has not called back, I am sure they will tell me why or I can ask them when we speak next.” It doesn’t change the facts, but it allows you to set the thought aside so it does not consume you. This can be the same for a life change. Practice it daily until it becomes a habit.

Number 5: Get Support

I would not be doing my job if I did not tell you that many people need support to get started and get motivated. Having a coach to hold you accountable can be exactly what you need to have a shift in your life. You are worth investing in. Think of it this way, would you invest in a course if you needed it to keep your job and progress? So why do you hesitate in investing in yourself so you can fully live in a place of happiness. There is no magic wand to take away the unpleasant parts of life but there are tools and shifts from within to help make those experiences a part of life rather than your whole life.

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