I have had a busy season this last moon cycle and I am ready to enter this new season. I have spoke to many women over the last month that are dealing with some heavy things, some big changes, and major decesion making. Interestingly this moon cycle meaning speaks alot about changes, listening to our guides and connection. If you have found yourself feeling overwhelmed, conflicted or having a hard time this might be the moon message you need.
As the autumn air sets in and the leaves start to turn, we are graced with the presence of the October Full Moon, on October 28th, 2023. This beautiful moon bringing with it a profound spiritual significance and a connection to our ancestors. The Hunter Moon is a time to embrace the changing seasons, seek inner wisdom, and strike a balance between the material and spiritual realms.
The October Full Moon is known by many names. The most common names are:
- Hunters Moon
- Falling Leaves Moon
- Whale Moon
- Kindly Moon
- Seed Fall Moon
Hunters Full Moon - October 28th, 2023
The Hunter Moon follows the Harvest Moon, gracing our skies in either October or November. Its name derives from the optimal conditions for hunting during this time, as fields become clearer, and moonlight bathes the landscape early in the evening. It symbolizes the transition from fall to winter, prompting us to release what no longer serves us, just as the leaves drop and trees preserve energy for the coming winter. The hunting spirit of the Hunter’s Moon, encourages you to hunt for bigger opportunities or explore the unknown within. It is a time to turn inward and look for your truth, inner peace, and balance. Do not let fear guide you this season. trust in what you need in this moment in order to face the next season safely.
No matter what your spirituality is this month gives us the energy to seek wisdom from within and through our guides, ancestors, and your Higher Power. This is your sign to journal, be still, meditate, pray, pull cards or anything you feel called too.
This October Full Moon is in the strong Earth sign, Taurus. (side note, I am a Taurus). The Full Moon ignites a passion to ground ourselves in the present moment, find gratitude of your life’s physical delights, and journey to find inner stability. The Taurus Full Moon prompts us to reflect on our relationship with possessions and desires. Are we tied tightly to materialistic things, or do we use them to enhance our journey? There is no judgment here from others or from self. It simply is a sign to reflect on what you are holding strong value to and create balance. Once we see the importance of the material and the spiritual, we can tap into Taurus’s energy for abundance and fulfillment, striving for a life where our outer world reflects our soul.
With the October full moon being in the Earth sign Taurus you are encouraged to connect deeper with the world around you. Spend time in nature and feel the crisp autumn air on your skin. Embrace this season of change. October’s full moon brings the season of the hunt, preservation, and preparation for the cold days and long nights to come. The Hunter’s Moon spiritual meaning is focused on internal work and self-reflection. This season marks the start of the dark half of the year. Darkness is needed this is a season of rest we are preparing to enter in too. Embrace the Taurus energy of enjoying the small things in the moment to prepare yourself to find joy in the upcoming seasons.
Embrace the October Full Hunters Moon

Crystal of choice: Carnelian
One excellent crystal to harness the energy of the Hunter Moon is Carnelian. Carnelian is a vibrant, fiery stone that is associated with motivation, courage, and creativity. It can help you ground yourself in the present moment, find balance between the material and spiritual realms, and explore the unknown during this moon’s energy.
Dream Work: Place Carnelian under your pillow or on your nightstand to enhance dream work and connect with the spiritual realm. It can help you receive insights and messages from your guides and ancestors.
Here are six meaningful ways to connect with the Hunters Full Moon:
Moon Gazing and Reflection: Take a moment to step outside and gaze at the Hunter Moon. Find a quiet spot with minimal light pollution, and simply observe the moon’s brilliance. Reflect on your own journey, the changes you’re experiencing, and the wisdom you’d like to gain. Allow the moon’s energy to inspire introspection and insight.
- Release and Let Go Ritual: Write down on a piece of paper what you wish to release from your life, whether it’s negative habits, old grudges, or emotional baggage. You can do this indoors or outside under the moonlight. After writing, safely burn the paper, symbolizing the act of letting go and making space for new opportunities and growth.
- Connect with Ancestors: Create a small altar or sacred space in your home with items that remind you of your ancestors. Light a candle and meditate on their presence, seeking guidance or simply honoring their memory. You can also use divination tools like tarot cards or a pendulum to connect with your ancestors.
- Nature Walk: Take a mindful walk in nature, if possible, during the evening of the Hunter Moon. As you stroll through the woods or a park, observe the changing season, the falling leaves, and the quiet beauty of the night. It’s an excellent way to connect with the natural world and appreciate the Earth’s cycles.
- Harvest and Preserve: This moon is associated with the harvest and preparation for the winter ahead. Consider preserving some of the season’s fruits or vegetables. You can make homemade jams, pickles, or dried herbs. As you engage in this practical activity, contemplate the importance of preparation and the balance between preservation and growth.
- Meditation and Inner Stability: Set aside time for a meditation session focused on finding inner stability and balance. Light a candle or some incense, and sit in a comfortable, quiet space. Visualize yourself as grounded and stable, connected to the earth’s energies. Allow this meditation to bring you a sense of peace, calm, and alignment with the material and spiritual aspects of your life.
These practices will help you fully embrace the energy of the Hunter Moon, encouraging personal growth, self-reflection, and a harmonious connection with both the natural world and your inner self.
Journaling to the October Full Moon
- What are you grateful for in this season of change and transition?
- How can you better prepare for the darker days ahead, both physically and spiritually?
- Reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and areas of growth. What lessons have you learned that you can carry with you into the future?
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.