October 9th, 2022 is the Hunter’s Full Moon. It marks the end of harvest and a time for reflecting on what you have accomplished and have gratitude for. As the weather changes and plants die off we start to preserve what we have gathered and prepare for the cold to come.
The October Hunter’s Full Moon is in Aries this means you will feel ready to charge towards every new idea. This can be great but we watchful to not run over loved ones on the journey. Use Aries energy to help you make big leaps in your life. The Aries energy can be intense. This means we need to pay close attention to how we are doing. You might find stress to run high or maybe you are clenching your jaw as the energy is building up inside and not releasing. Take time to practice meditation and breath work to pace yourself. Energy is great but we do not want to respond after with burn out. The Aries Full moon is also a very “I am” energy so this is a great time to practice affirmations!
Every Full Moon is known by a unique name to reflect the season, how it affects nature and life. While each moon has many names translated to English from Native American, Celtic, European or Neo-Pagan origins. I will list a few I find to be the most common.
One thing worth noting is unlike most full moon names which fall on the month it lands in, the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. The Full Moon following this is the Hunters Moon.
- Hunters Moon (Not every year)
- Blood Moon
- Seed Fall Moon
- Kindly Moon
The October Hunter’s Full Moon is all about self-reflection and internal work. We live a different more convenient life than our ancestors before us. The focus in the past was preparing the food that was harvested for the coming winter. Without this process survival was not possible. As we take in that truth be sure to reflect on those who worked hard to survive and prepare in order for you to be here today and honor them.
This time of year brings an increased ability to embrace the messages of your ancestors and to slow down, set goals, grow closer to your highest version of yourself and have gratitude.
This is a time for strong magic and rituals. If we have met, you know I love the connection between accountability/action combined with rituals. (A little magic mixed with science). Taking a physical step to make a change is beneficial no matter your spirituality. This is why I suggest exploring rituals to affirm the changes you wish to make in your life.
Hunter's Moon Spiritual Meaning
- Gratitude
- Balance
- Divination Work
- Shadow Work
- Transitions
Journaling to the Hunter's Moon
What do you love about your ancestors, and what do you want to learn more about?
What lessons do you think your ancestors want you to learn in this last season?
What steps did you take this last season that you are proud of?
What values are currently the most important to you and why?

Embracing the Hunter Moon
If you use crystals October Hunter’s Full Moon personal favorite is Obsidian. I love Obsidian especially under this moon. This Volcanic glass made stone forms naturally. Historically, Obsidian was used to make many tools. Since this is the full moon that better connects us with our ancestors I feel it is a symbolic stone to connect with for the same reason.
The dark and dreamy Obsidian is known for its glass like sharpness. Consider this when we also know Obsidian to be a protective stone, almost like a sword would protect in battle. Another important trait of Obsidian is it keeps us grounded, and brings us to our feet when we need help back up.
Some more suggestions are:
- Amethyst
- Black Tourmaline
- Quarts
- Bloodstone
The Hunters moon is a time for gratitude to for your ancestors. If you garden this is the perfect time to try out canning and making pickled veggies. Another preparation is dehydrating peppers and herbs to make spices and infused oils for the upcoming winter.
Begin preparing in a more modern day way by pulling out the winter clothes to prepare for the colder days to come. This will help you from feeling overwhelmed and create space as you focus inward.
The Hunter’s Moon is a good time to pause and and look at all the progress you have made this last season. Tell yourself you are proud of the growth and what will come next.
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.