The March Full Moon of 2023 is March 7th. This will be the last full moon following the Winter Solstice. I am personally excited that this months full moon falls on my middle daughters birthday! If you are new to the blog…WELCOME! I am here to give you a little insight into the energy of the moon and how you can use its message to focus on your own healing journey. No matter what your spirituality is you can use the messages as motivation to focus on you. Now let’s dive in to the March Full Moon energy.
The March Full Moon is known by many names. The most common March Full Moon names are:
- Worm Moon
- Sap Moon
- Warming Moon
- Crow Moon
- Death Moon (the death of Winter)
- Windy Moon
The Meaning Behind the Worm Moon
The dark days of Winter are coming to an end as our days begin to get longer and brighter. With more warmth hitting the soil the Earth Worms are becoming active. The Earth is waking up from a winter rest, this is a clear sign a new season & new beginnings are upon us.
Fun Fact: The Christians have used the full moon as a sign of when Easter falls. They use the first full moon after the Spring Equinox to date when Easter will fall, it will be the Sunday following the full moon. This year that will be following the April Full Moon because the Spring Equinox falls on March 20th, after the Worm Moon on March 7th.
The Spiritual meaning of the March Full Worm Moon is full of fresh start energy and inspiration. The Worm Moon represents hope, intentions, inspiration, rebirth, motivation, cleansing, positivity, and luck.
I personally LOVE this season. The hope of fresh beginnings and walking outside to a bright sunny sky with that hint of warmth fills me with positive energy.
During this rebirth that the Worm Moon represents we too can use this time to grow. It is time to plant our own “seeds” by setting some serious intentions. Just like you must prepare and care for a garden you have to care and prepare yourself for growth. For plants to thrive they need just the right balance of sunlight and water. For you to grow you need balance of time & energy. What are your strengths? Plant those solid roots while you continue to stretch and grow.
The Worm Moon is in the sign of Virgo, the zodiac sign that represents practical structure. Virgo is the tools we need habits, work, heath and routine. Living in a productive way with a side of romance. Let this Earth sign energy guide you in to balance. The practical Virgo helps us to focus in on what we need outside of our emotions. This is your sign (see what I did there) to get productive and nurture yourself in all aspects of life.
Be aware if you are being critical of yourself or others. Even though Virgo energy helps us stay on task it also can bring out overthinking. This leads to judging ourselves and others too harshly. Basically, you should allow yourself to look deep within and see what is holding you back but do not place judgment on the blocks. Just let it be, see the block, and allow yourself to move past it. Self Judgment will never serve you, but noticing it and letting it go can change your life for the better.
Embracing the Worm Moon

Crystal of choice is Amazonite. This gemstone represents rebirth and hope. This beauty of a gemstone promotes balance and requires action, making it the perfect stone to encourage you to grow
Plant seeds, literally! I know gardening can be intimidating but just give it a go! Pick one food and a flowers and get the seeds started. If you need help reach out my husband is the green thumb here and I can ask him for you lol. This months women circle we are making crystal ornamental holders for air plants to keep in our homes.
Start Spring cleaning both mentally and physical as we have to declutter our homes and minds in order to have space to grow.
Journaling to the Worm Moon
What is one goal I have set this year, what is a road block in achieving it and what is one way to overcome the block?
What do I want to awaken in my soul?
How can I nurture myself to bloom to my full potential?
Name one bad habit you want to leave behind and one good habit you can replace it with.