June 3rd, 2023 brings the next full moon of the year. Earth is in full Bloom, the days are getting longer, and the suns warmth is upon us. Just as Spring starts to shift in to Summer the energy around and in us is shifting as well. You might be filled with a surge of optimism, energy, motivation and inspiration during this time. I hope you find yourself filled with positive energy during this June Full Moon. Let’s take a deeper look at how this season can inspire you.

The June Full Moon is known by many names. The most common June Full Moon names are:

  • Strawberry Moon
  • Rose Moon
  • Mead Moon
  • Honey Moon (after the Goddess of Marriage, Juno)
  • Hot Moon

The Strawberry Moon name comes from Native Americans. June is when strawberries are ripe on the vine and ready to be harvested.  This is the season of fruits, flowers reaching the peak and ready to be shared with the world.  This is the season of collaboration and relationships. Your intuition is heightened so be sure to listen to it. If you feel called to collaborate with others you have met, approach them with your ideas. This might be exactly what you need to move towards your current goals. 


Spring was a rebirth and we are entering in to the season of growth. Take time to reflect and celebrate all of your growth. This is a season of feeling confident in who you are becoming and motivation to keep going. This is a beautiful thing but move forward with caution. As your energy surges and you get started be careful to not take on too much at once. Check in with yourself regularly and take time for self care. If you go too hard to fast you run the risk of burning out. Take time to enjoy the beautiful roses and sweet strawberries.

The Strawberry Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. It does not mean if this is your sign you are the only one impacted. It means that the traits of a Sagittarius influence our energy during this time. You will find yourself reaching beyond the horizon. You will feel more impulsive and rebellion against passed limitations. The energy of the sagittarius is full of optimism but you might also feel “unimpressed” with your current situation. See when you feel driven for more you can loose site of the good in where you currently are. Make sure you take steps to feel gratitude and grounded in your current life. While simultaneously working on what is next for you. 

The Strawberry Moon in the sign of sagittarius also a sign of connection. There are many ways to connect with yourself and others. This weekend I will be hosting a retreat that is packed full of speakers around wellness for women. I am so excited for a weekend full of connection and growth. You can do this in your life as well. Plan a night to connect with friends, take an online course to educate and create growth from within or simply call a friend you have not spoken to in a while and reconnect. If you are inerested in learning more about your growth I have an online course HERE. If you are interested in attending a retreat you can find upcoming dates HERE


Journaling to the Strawberry Moon

What is one thing I can do everyday to stay grounded?

Create a list of things that you dream of having more of in your life and 1 small action step to take towards it. 

What do I need to feel connected to people in my life?

Full Moon June is the Strawberry Moon

Embracing the Strawberry Moon

Crystal of choice for the Strawberry Moon is Honey Calcite. This gemstone carries strong positive energy. It is used to help strengthen relationships and self confidence. That is why I suggest this to be your stone during this Full Moon cycle. It can increase self worth, motivation towards action and clarity. You can charge this stone under the Full Moon and hold in your non dominant hand while doing a daily meditation. 

Practice moments of self care often this month. Try and spend time grounding and looking inward by taking 5-20 minutes to meditate and visualize the joy in your life.  

Since the Strawberry Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius I suggest getting clear on what your goals are.  Ask yourself what you want in your life and how to get there. What you need is inside of you. With your heightened intuition this is the time to trust your instincts.   

In order to not get burnt out make sure you make plans to relax and enjoy summer. 

Make time for relationships. This could be a date night adventure, a cookout with friends, a vacation with family. Literally anything that connects you with others.

Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are.  Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life. 

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