I am so excited for the July Full Moon energy to fill me up. I have been planning for growth and in a space of reflection for the last month. Now I am ready to feel motivated for what comes next.
The Earth is alive and lush as summer reaches its peak. This year, the Full Buck Moon shines brightly on July 21st, 2024 lighting up the skies and our lives with its potent energy. I need the motivation boost myself right now and I am excited about it. Now let’s jump into the meaning of the Buck Moon and how to embrace it.
Shameless plug/reminder, now is the time to mark your calendar for our November Retreat in Virginia Beach. This is the most popular retreat of the year and we have sold out every year for the last 3 years. Embrace the messages from the Buck Moon, plan now, and get on the list. Learn more and reserve your spot HERE.
July Full Moon is known by many names. The most common names are:
Full Moons have many names depending on the culture and land. The July Full Moon is most known as the Buck Moon but you may also hear it referred to as:
- Thunder Moon
- Mead Moon
- Hay Moon
- Honey Bee Moon
- Flying Moon
Buck Full Moon - July 21, 2024
This full moon, the Buck Moon, arrives when male deer (bucks) begin to regrow their antlers, symbolizing regeneration and new beginnings. For the young Buck, this is a time for you to grow and see the results. We can look at nature to see the messages confirmed by her beauty. Flowers are blooming, Gardens are bearing fruits and vegetables and reaching their full ripeness. Remember to pause for a moment, look at the growth you have made, and inspire yourself to continue to ripen. This Full Moon offers a powerful opportunity for focusing on abundance. The major spiritual meanings of the July Full Moon are:
- Strength and Assertion: Emphasizing personal power.
- Prosperity and Growth: Encouraging abundance in various forms, particularly through disciplined effort and perseverance. Remember last month we spent time planning, now it is go time.
- Renewal and Transformation: Supporting personal transformation within the boundaries of practical and realistic frameworks. This is your time to begin the transformation.
The 2024 Buck Moon finds itself in the disciplined, ambitious sign of Capricorn. This earth sign brings a grounding energy that enhances the moon’s natural influences, emphasizing determination, growth, focus, and self-confidence.
Capricorn’s influence encourages us to channel the Buck Moon’s vibrant energy into concrete achievements and to use this time to set foundations for long-term goals, reflecting a perfect blend of Capricorn’s pragmatic spirit with the vigorous essence of the Buck Moon.
Embrace the Buck Full Moon

To fully harness the potent energy of the Buck Moon in Capricorn, consider starting with the grounding power of Black Tourmaline. This powerful crystal is best known for its ability to provide protection and eliminate negative energy, which complements Capricorn’s disciplined nature. Black Tourmaline also aids in overcoming fears and obstacles, fostering the determination and focus that are highlighted under this moon.
Crystal Meditation: Begin your ritual by holding a piece of Black Tourmaline, setting an intention to release negativity and build resilience. Meditate on your personal goals, visualizing the crystal’s grounding energy helping you to manifest your aspirations with clarity and determination.
Nature Connection: Engage in a reflective walk through a natural setting that feels sturdy and enduring, such as a rocky trail or a dense forest. Collect stones or other natural tokens that symbolize Capricorn’s earthy energy.
Goal-Setting Workshop: Use the energy of the Buck Moon to revisit and refine your long-term goals. Write them down and outline actionable steps under the moonlight. Focus particularly on goals that require persistence and discipline—traits strengthened by Capricorn’s influence.
Strength-Building Yoga or Meditation: Perform a yoga sequence or a guided meditation that focuses on building inner strength and stability. Concentrate on poses or techniques that enhance your core, reflecting Capricorn’s emphasis on structure and stability.
Journaling to the Buck Moon
- Self-Reflection on Obstacles: Reflect on the past year—what have been the biggest obstacles you have faced? How did you address them, and what have you learned about your capacity for resilience and determination?
- Goal Realignment: Examine your long-term goals. Are they still aligned with your deepest values and ambitions? What practical steps can you take this month to advance these goals under the Buck Moon’s focused energy?
- Strengths and Growth: Identify your greatest strengths and consider how they have helped you grow recently. How can you further cultivate these strengths to support your ambitions?
- Release and Renew: What old habits, fears, or limitations are you ready to release? How can this release help you to better harness the disciplined and goal-oriented energy of Capricorn for personal growth?
Full Moon women’s circles are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, and full moon-centered activities. Sign up for events and start adding more joy to your life.