The First Full Moon of 2023 and the first full moon following the Winter Solstice will be on January 6th. This Moon represents reflection, gratitude and magic.
The January Full Moon is known by many names. The most common January Full Moon names are:
- Wolf Moon
- Ice Moon
- Moon after Yule
- Quite Moon
- Holiday Moon
- Center Moon
The Wolf Moon name is believed to come from the wolfs mating season that starts in January. We hear the wolfs howl more this time of year, because of this the full moon received this name. The Wolf Moon is in the nurturing, emotional & sensitive sign of Cancer. This month you can expect to feel in touch with your sympathetic side. The Wolf Moon is also in harmony with Neptune, inspiration and dreams & Uranus, rebellion and change. This combination allows you to be think and see what you want ahead and bring in more creativity. This is the time to get clear on what you want and find new ways to get there.
The Wolf Moon is a time for fresh beginnings which we in modern times, see as new years resolutions. It is also a time for imagination, inspiration, gratitude, protection and of course letting go! I suggest embracing the way of the wolf and let your self “howl” it out. You heard me right, no you do not have to go out and howl at the moon so your nosey neighbor can have more gossip on you. What I mean is let some shit go. focus on something you really want to release and as you howl visualize it leaving you. This is both mentally and physically healing!
One key way to work with the Cancer energy this Wolf Moon is to reflect on your “pack” what does your circle of others look like for you? What can you release to make the pack stronger? Because of the nurturing aspect of this moon we need to allow ourselves to look at what ways we can better our emotional support systems.
Journaling to the Wolf Moon
What do I need to let go of in order to take in what I desire in this year?
Create a letter from your future self at the end of 2023 telling you all the amazing things that went right for you this year.
What would success look like for you in 2023 and what is one step you can take now to get there.

Embracing the Wolf Moon
Crystal of choice is Jasper. There are many types of Jasper that can be found all over, and they all help with creativity and empowerment in similar but different ways. For example, Picture Jasper helps you connect to your inner wisdom or Ocean Jasper, promotes and increases creativity.
Practice moments of self care often this month. Take a bath or shower and spend time exfoliating your skin and loving your body. Try and spend time grounding and looking inward by taking 5-20 minutes to meditate and visualize the joy in your life.
Since the Wolf Moon is in the sign of Cancer and in aliment with Neptune and Uranus it is a great time to reflect and get creative. I suggest getting clear on what you hope to accomplish either personally or financially this year and make a list. Here are the steps:
- Write down a goal for the year
- List what you need to get there
- List any blocks holding you back
- List what you can do to overcome 1 or 2 of those blocks
- List 1 step you can take now
Once you have this down get creative! Create a vision board of what the journey or the result will look like for you. Now hang it up as a motivational reminder to work towards the goal.
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.