The Full Moon in December falls on December 7th, 2022 and it is the last full moon of the year. In November the earth went through its transition of leaves falling to the ground and slow down to prepare for the winter. As we look around us we see much further in the distance then when all the trees were full of life. Take this as your own motivation to rest and see things more clearly.
It is time to trust that all the hard work you have down will pay off and it is time to trust and see your truth. With the Cold Moon comes longer nights. This is why it represents resting and reflecting but also keep in mind it represents the hope and knowledge of the light that will come.
The December Full Moon is known by many names. The most common December Full Moon names are:
- Cold Moon
- Dead of Winter Moon
- Oak Moon
- Yule Moon
- Bitter Moon
The Cold Moon is a time of heightened intuition. You can use this to get very clear on your current situation and goals. This very likely can mean letting go of what is no longer serving you and releasing things you have been holding on to before the new year. You can do this through manifesting or simply with New Year resolutions.
The holiday season is busy and the cold days mixed with longer nights will cause you to go inwards. Remember that this is in preparation of what is coming around the corning. Spend some time creating a cozy environment at home to feel more relaxed. Yes it seems strange to say slow down during the busy season but this is the season to “freeze” and reflect just like the trees seem dead at the surface the roots are as strong as ever and holding on to restore energy for what is to come next.
Journaling to the Cold Moon
What do you want to do this holiday season to bring more joy and embrace your inner child?
What dream have you been pushing aside that you can start creating an action plan for during this season?
How have you grown this past year that you are proud of?

Embracing the Cold Moon
I was trying to think of one crystal that best works with the Cold Moon in Gemini and for me I would have to say Sodalite. This beautiful blue precious stone works with our third eye and throat Chakras. Meaning your own higher self and your truth. Sodalite is used for mental clarity, rational thought, self-expression, and inner work/intuition. I am sure you see the connection between Sodalite and the Cold Moon. Also, I love that blue represents cold colors and it is the cold moon! Use this stone by keeping on your person, in your home or during your meditation.
The Cold Moon is in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is known best for communication and logic. Gemini energy wants us to learn, and grow but do not overdo it here! It is easy to become restless and get trapped in a cycle of over thinking/doing. Balance the energy from Gemini and the signs passion for new experience with the full Cold Moon with looking inward and rest. This way you can get really clear on your next goals and prioritize them while not running yourself to the point of burnout. Tis the season of burnout so please please rest.
If you have been considering meditating but have yet to start now is the time. Start with 3-5 minutes a day if you wanting to dip a toe in. You can focus in on whatever you are called to but here is some key words to inspire you to meditate, manifest and set intentions during the Cold Moon:
- Reflect
- Development
- Change
- Peace
- Growth
- Rest
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.