The February Full Moon of 2023 will be on the 5th. This moon represents change, hope, growth and creativity.
The February Full Moon is known by many names. The most common February Full Moon names are:
- Snow Moon
- Hungry Month
- Moon of Ice
- First Flower Moon
- Eagle Moon
Just like the weather this month the moon brings change. One day it is sunny and clear and the next is cold and grey skies. That is the theme the Snow Moon brings. You might find your self irritated and less patient this moon cycle.
Historically this was a hard time of year for our ancestors. They watched as their stored harvest starts to fade away and try to remain hopeful they have enough to get them through the cold season. In modern times we have the luxury of grocery stores to replenish our kitchens. Although, I have noticed less and less on the shelves. Do you see why this moon is also known as the hungry moon?
The spiritual meaning of the Snow Moon is hope, creativity, growth and change. Now that you have this little piece of information can you see why this is the meaning?
We hope for more, we get creative to make what we have work, we change our ways to make it work and we grow stronger through this hard time.
Change is hard and from overcoming hardship we grow strength. It is not the hard things that make us strong really…. It is the work we put in to our lives to overcome the hardships that make us stronger.
Growth is not meant to be easy, life is not always easy. However, transitions and growth are key, but do not forget to take time for self care. You will need downtime to relax and surrender to the transitions.
Journaling to the Snow Moon
What do I need to let go of in order to make room for what I desire more of?
What are 3 things I can do this week to move towards a goal I have this year?
What is one hardship that I can find a creative solution to?

Embracing the Snow Moon in Leo
The Snow Moon is in the sign of Leo bringing out love, creativity and fun. I do love that the month known for love falls in the sign of Leo. The combination of the snow moons meaning and the sign of Leo can help us to find some balance. The snow moon can be deep inner work and Leo says have fun. This is your sign to find this same balance.
WARNING to the moms out there! Leo rules our kiddos. So you might notice them acting more rebellious and irritable. This is a good time to practice understanding and guidance.
Going back to Leo and love…..This does not need to be love for a partner. It can be love for yourself. Find ways to be kind and loving to you.
My crystal of choice for the Snow moon is Onyx. This Crystal represents protection, encouragement and strength. This month we could use the extra encouragement and strength while also protecting our energy.
Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are. Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life.