
A Guide to Harnessing The Full Moon Energy

As the year 2024 unfolds, the world remains cloaked in the chilly embrace of winter, with days that are short and nights that are long and dark. Yet, in this time of quiet and reflection, we find hope and warmth in the comfort of our homes. This year, the first full moon, known as the Full Wolf Moon, emerges in the night sky on January 25th, 2024. It’s a moment to harness the moon’s natural energy and use it to manifest our dreams. At Hennessy’s House, we invite you to join us in celebrating it, whether it’s through participating in our Full Moon Women’s Circle or at home by the fire.

The January Full Moon Name:

The January Full Moon is known by various names across different cultures, each reflecting the unique characteristics of this time of year. For instance:

  • Wolf Moon: Native American tribes named it for the wolves that howled in hunger and mating calls amidst the cold winter.
  • Ice Moon: In some cultures, it’s known as the Ice Moon, symbolizing the frozen landscape and the hardship of winter.
  • Old Moon: Another name is the Old Moon, signifying the closing of one cycle and the beginning of another.
  • Moon After Yule: This name indicates its position following the Yuletide season. 

Understanding these names enriches our connection to the lunar cycle and its impact on our natural world.

Wolf Full Moon

The Wolf Moon is more than just a natural phenomenon; it’s a symbol of the deep intuition and primal wisdom within each of us. It encourages us to trust our instincts and embrace the innate knowledge that nature imparts. The howling of wolves, particularly resonant during their mating season from January to March, is emblematic of this moon. Their vocalizations are not merely calls to potential mates but also represent the importance of communication and connection within the pack. This idea resonates with my personal goal of nurturing family connections and spending quality time together. The Wolf Moon’s spiritual significance extends to themes of intuition, untamed wisdom, and ancient lore, serving as a reminder of our intrinsic connection to both nature and our inner selves.

Wolf Moon in Leo

When the Wolf Moon is in the vibrant sign of Leo, it brings a surge of fiery, heart-centered energy. Leo, a sign known for its bold, outgoing nature and gentle fierceness, infuses the full moon with qualities of self-expression, creativity, and passion. This lunar phase urges us to confront and release repressed fears and insecurities, unlocking our true potential. It’s a time of spiritual awakening, where living in our truth takes precedence, and we’re encouraged to embrace new experiences and step out of our comfort zones. The influence of Leo, with its associations with ego and heart, also brings forward themes of compassion, generosity, empowerment, and even selfishness and greed. Events tied to creativity and self-expression will come to a significant point during this full moon. Use this energy for journaling or a vision board focusing on your dreams. 

the Full Moon

Ways to Embrace the Full Moon

Embracing the energy of the Full Wolf Moon in Leo involves several practices that help us align with its powerful influence here are some suggestions for you:


Crystal Selection: Choose crystals that resonate with the moon’s energy, such as moonstone for intuition, garnet for passion and energy, or tiger’s eye for courage and protection.

Meditation and Reflection: Spend time meditating under the moonlight, focusing on releasing fears and setting intentions for the upcoming cycle.

Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities like painting, writing, or dancing to channel the moon’s inspirational energy.

Connecting with Nature: Take a walk under the moonlight, acknowledging the beauty and stillness of the natural world during this time.

Seasonal Self-Care Planning: Look at the year ahead and set aside time each season for activities that rejuvenate and fulfill you. This could be as simple as a day off for solitary crafting or reading, a rejuvenating spa day, or even a short trip. Our retreats offer a sanctuary for growth, relaxation, and vulnerability, allowing you to deeply connect with yourself and the changing rhythms of nature.

Candle Ritual: Light candles of different colors, each representing an aspect of your life you wish to focus on, such as yellow for happiness, green for growth, or blue for peace.Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You might want to create a small altar with items that are meaningful to you, such as crystals, photos, or natural elements like leaves or stones. Spend some time in reflection, thinking about what you want to release with this full moon and what you hope to attract. Visualize your intentions coming to fruition. Once you feel your ritual is complete, spend a few minutes in gratitude. Extinguish the candles safely, ideally snuffing them out rather than blowing them, to seal in your intentions.

Journal Prompts for the Wolf Moon

  1. Reflecting on Growth: “In what areas of my life have I seen the most growth over the past year, and how can I continue to nurture this growth?”
  2. Overcoming Challenges: “What challenges have I overcome recently, and what strengths did I discover in myself through these experiences?”
  3. Embracing Change: “As I think about the coming year, what changes do I wish to embrace, and what steps can I take to make these changes a reality?”
  4. Personal Aspirations: “What are my key aspirations for this year, and how do they align with my core values and true self?”
  5. Connections and Relationships: “How can I strengthen my connections with loved ones and build new, meaningful relationships in the coming months?”

These journal prompts are designed to encourage deep introspection and align your personal goals with the introspective energy of the Full Wolf Moon. By reflecting on these questions, you can harness the moon’s power to illuminate your path forward, helping you to live more authentically and purposefully.

Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are.  Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard good food, and full moon-centered activities. Sign up for events and start adding more joy to your life. 


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