New Moon in Scorpio

October New Moon

With a New Moon comes new beginnings! Typically, energy is high and we feel more enthusiastic. A new moon is when the sun and moon are in the same position …

New Moon in Libra

With a New Moon comes new beginnings! Typically, energy is high and we feel more enthusiastic. So what will the September New Moon bring up for us?  We just came …

September Full Moon

September Corn Moon

The seasons are about to change as we say goodbye to Summer and prepare to welcome Autumn. With the changes is in the air we feel the urge to gather …

Let that Shit Go

Let That Shit Go

So let’s be real, sometimes crappy things happen that we can’t control. That for me is the hardest part of hard situations! I want to fix it but I can not.

Change your Life

Nothing changes without change

I wish I could assure your mind that everything will work out perfectly, but that is not realistic either. What I can do is promise you this: If you do not change anything, nothing will change.