Do you ever wake up and the day already seems like it will not go well? Yep, sometimes we wake up and realize the clothes never made it to the dryer, ants found the kitchen, your kids are throwing a fit, you slept through the alarm…. I think you get it. So we say to ourselves, GREAT it’s 8am and the day already sucks! I am here to tell you STOP! This is a little thing called fortune telling mixed with self sabotage. We get what we put out in the world so by pre-determining how your day will go badly you are setting yourself up for a day searching for disappointment.

Do not fear! This is a common occurrence and you have the power to turn it around! First thing first! SELF AWARENESS, catch yourself in the act and call yourself out. What does that look like in action you ask? Let’s say you go to pour a cup of coffee and it ends up on the floor, the brain chimes in with “Well, today is going to suck”. You jump in “WHOA ME, no that is not what that means!” or whatever you want to say to address the thought.

So before we address it we need to recollect. This is where I am going to say something that we all know to do but often forget to…. BREATHE This is taking a moment to take a few slow deep breaths in our nose and out your mouth. Now you are ready!

Next up is INVESTIGATE the thought. This is where we ask ourselves a question. For example, “What evidence do I have to support that thought?” or “What could I do to make sure my day gets better?”

Now we have to REFRAME the thought to be positive. Here you will have to understand being realistic and practicing regularly will make this become easier. An example here is “I do not like that this happened but I will get this fixed in no time” or “This morning was a little crazy but I will make sure moving forward my day has enjoyment” This will need to come from your own words and truth leading me to the last step.

BELIEVE IT – You have got to practice at this but trusting your words will be the key to success. If I were to say my day will be great (sarcastically) I am really telling myself it will suck. Keep at this but be honest and genuine. It might simply be ok shit happens but not every moment of my day has to be bad.
I hope this helps as you navigate the harder days and how to get out of that negative funk! If you want to dive deeper into this work my online course “Get Out of my Head” is a great affordable tool to get you there! It comes with a workbook to guide you along the work.
I am sending you love and do not forget you are Beautiful, and ever growing give yourself grace and do not forget your worth!