The April Full Moon of 2023 will fall on April 6th in the sign of Libra.  When I started planning out the April retreat I am hosting at the end of the month, I had not yet looked at the moon energy for this month. I decided on the theme “Embrace your Inner Goddess” because I wanted to focus on getting in touch with the feminine energy within us. Imagine my excitement when I realized the April moon in Libra, ruled by Venus was the most perfectly timed energy for this retreat! Libra ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love, relationships and beauty means the power within women will be more awaken and these relationships will strengthen. How perfect is that?!  

The April Full Moon is known by many names. The most common April Full Moon names are:

  • Pink Moon
  • Breaking Ice Moon
  • Duck Moon
  • Growing Moon
  • Bear a Child Moon
  • Peony Moon

The Pink Moon name comes from the wildflower that blooms native in North America called the creeping or Moss Phlox. Since the Pink Moon is at the beginning of Spring it is best to embrace the energy we see in nature. This includes growth, abundance and fertility (this can mean a baby or simply new life or new you). I personally like to focus on what the moon means for personal growth so this is a great time to focus on the following:

  • Creativity
  • Productivity
  • Confidence
  • Self-Love
  • Motivation
  • Growth
  • Change

As we enter a season of warmth we see the spring growth pushing through the dark earth below determined to bloom and show off its unique beauty. This is the energy to match! Push through the hardships you have faced and embrace the lessons learned. It is time to grow tall and prepare to show your beauty to the world. Through the winter I often addressed the need to slow down, reflect and plan. Now we are ready to step out in to the sun and grow. Mother nature is hard at work through April bringing the power of rain and wind to spread new seeds around the Earth and create new life. Embrace the power within you like the power of Mother Nature. Just like mother Nature changes from day to day, you will need to as well. Be willing to try something new, fail and try again this will be necessary for real strength and lasting growth. 

Journaling to the Pink Moon

What do I need to feel loved?

How can you show yourself more love?

Write a poem or song about something that brings you joy.

Embracing the Pink Moon

I can feel my energy shift as the sun gets brighter and the warmth hits my skin. My motivation to be outside, moving my body and connecting with others increases. I encourage you to plan an evening gathering with a few women you feel connected to. Simply sit together outdoors and soak up some Vitamin D while laughing with friends. Fill up your soul with love and connection make it a playdate with kids or simply a short catchup with a friend. 

Because this is a feminine energy moon it is time to reconnect with your inner Goddess. Get in nature, get creative, practice self-love, take a dance class or simply dance around the house, and grow connections with other women. If you are interested in a deeper connection with self and other women I have 3 beds left for my Spring retreat in Lake Anna, VA. You Can Reserve your bed HERE.

Behave like the winds! It is time to move out of the still energy and embrace change. Do something outside of your routine and do something adventurous and spontaneous. This is also another way to really embrace the Inner Goddess.  

Full Moon evening retreats are held monthly in Rockville, MD. These Sister Circle Wellness events are developed to help you step out of the roles you play and embrace the woman you are.  Feel connected to women in your area, enjoy a night of relaxing, feeling safe and heard, good food and full moon centered activities. Signup for events and start adding more joy to your life. 

Embrace your Inner Goddess Retreat

The best way to grow, heal and embrace your feminine energy is joining me for an amazing one of a kind experience on Lake Anna in Virginia April 21-24, 2023. This Weekend we will both grow and play in a beautiful Lake front property. No cooking, cleaning or caring for others. This weekend is about you receiving what you have been missing.

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